Photo by Andrew Stiles
Covergirl Ashley Roberts truly is a travelgirl! The former Pussycat Dolls singer and dancer does it all. She travels the world as an entertainer, model and spokesperson but now has embarked on two new exciting adventures. She recently launched ALLYN, a line of shoes that are fun, stylish and sexy. She’ll put them to good use as she travels the country looking for the latest hot restaurants and cities as host of NBC’s 1st Look. We know you’ll enjoy reading her enlightening chat with Publisher Renee Werbin where she discusses music, living in Los Angeles and London, philanthropy and overcoming jet lag.
Travelgirl: Your father, Pat Roberts, was a drummer for The Mamas and Papas. Did he spark your interest in a musical career?
Ashley Roberts: My father was a big musical influence in my life. He has such passion for music and I couldn’t help but indulge in that passion with him. I recorded my first song with my dad and he used to come and play the congas at my dance classes.
TG: You graduated high school and almost immediately became a member of The Pussycat Dolls. How did you obtain success so quickly?
AR: I moved to Los Angeles in 2001, and was told by a friend that there was this cool underground dance group called The Pussycat Dolls. And my friend thought Robin Antin would love me. She started the Dolls. I heard there was an audition and I was there! Robin scooped me up and that was that.
TG: What prompted you to leave the group in 2010 to pursue a solo career?
AR: We all were done after our 2009 tour with Lady Gaga. We needed a break and it felt like the right time to venture off.
TG: You’re the latest host of 1st Look, a travel and lifestyle show on NBC that you began hosting in 2016. How do you like taking your viewers to top travel destinations around the U.S.?
AR: 1st Look has been such a fun job. I’ve gotten to see some amazing spots. One restaurant that sticks out is in Charleston, SC, called Xiao Boa Biscuit! So yummy! I also loved the southern charm of Charleston. Hiking the Zion Mountains [in Utah] was breathtaking!
TG: Do you travel to these destinations? Who chooses the restaurants you showcase? What a marvelous job!
AR: 1st Look has an amazing crew that scouts out the locations and restaurants we attend. I’ve become quite the foodie working on 1st Look.
TG: You live in both Los Angeles and London. Talk about living in two different countries and the travel involved. Have you learned to conquer jet lag?
AR: I wish I could conquer jet lag! Going to London is much harder than heading from London to L.A. It’s just one of those things I have to deal with. It’s worth it when I get settled and realize my transatlantic life is pretty awesome.
TG: What destinations are still on your bucket list?
AR: I still want to see certain parts of Italy… Rome, the Amalfi Coast. I’ll get there. I also want to stay in one of those on-the-water huts in Fiji or the Philippines.
TG: Where’s your favorite place to vacation?
AR: I absolutely love the south of France. It’s got such an amazing energy and culture. Or, sitting on a lounge chair in Tulum, Mexico.
TG: What one item do you never leave home without when you pack for a trip?
AR: My meditation crystals. They keep me grounded and make me feel good. I travel everywhere with them.
TG: Travelgirls love fashion. You just launched a line of footwear called ALLYN. Can you tell us about it?
AR: ALLYN is launched! And you can check it out at @allyncollections on Instagram. I am obsessed with shoes and wanted to start a line that made women feel empowered and kick ass.
TG: Philanthropy is always first for Travelgirl and our readers. Please speak about your work for the World Wildlife Fund.
AR: The WWF is an awesome organization. And, whenever I can help promote them I do, which is mostly through my social media platforms. I was supposed to go to Africa and do some work with elephants, but unfortunately it didn’t come through. I hope I can do that sometime in the future. I’m an animal lover!